Charting a Course for the Good Life
20 Friday Nov 2015
Written by Michelle in Better Behaviour, Thoughts on everything
What a week! Don’t ‘cha think?
It’s been an emotional ride, from the Paris attacks, to our divided ideas as a nation trying to manage a refugee crisis. No one is asking my opinion, and I’m not about to give it – I’m hardly qualified. However, I can clearly see the fallout and have charted that course before. Heck, I’ve got a map!!!
I’ve written about addictions before. I’ve addressed Internet addiction and the compulsion to be “selected.” But, what about addiction to the news? Are you afraid if you turn the news off you’ll be left behind? Terrified you’ll be only one on Earth without a 6-month supply of drinking water and coconut Kind bars if you wrench yourself away? Suffering from “Media Malaise?” I realize this is a stretch, but are you convinced the media is full of manipulative lies, designed to motivate you with fear, name-calling and confusion, but despite that realization you can’t turn network news off? You might be a sick, wrecked, sadistic mess of a person. It’s okay. We’re all a little cracked.
We can’t help ourselves, and I think a lot of it has to do with a feeling on not having ANY control. We’re grasping for something, some semblance of peace and order. We want the world to be the one our mothers told us it was…safe, fair and brimming with happy people and opportunity.
There’s good news; we do have control. I wrote a post about the world being a train wreck sometime back. The post is loaded with resources and advice, you might want to have a gander. Rest assured, we have control over the stuff we have control over – mostly our thoughts and viewpoints. It’s something. It may well be everything.
As I came out of the post office today, I was smiling with gratitude. Grace smiled down upon me and I saw it, the good. I’m glad we’re a nation with diverse ideas and opinions. I’m grateful collectively we’re more ‘of the human race’ than ‘of the rat race’ (click to Tweet). I’m thankful, as a society, we value discussion, because as we share and blend ideas, it gives us the opportunity to reach some solid conclusions. We consider many angles, consider the impacts, there is strength in the us of the U.S. (click to Tweet).
I still spend time teaching corporate leaders the value of diverse teams. With a solid set of respectful communication tools, teams that were previously conflicted can become cohesive, strong and productive. We can do that as Americans, too. All we have to do is see the humanity in one another rather than assuming a person with opposing views is coming from a place of ignorance. There is usually a good basis for our beliefs….it’s good to share the origin of our ideas. For some reason, today outside that post office, I was filled with optimism for the human race…no small feat in light of current events and media bombardment.
[Tweet “Between the ideals of the best and the fear of the worst lies the truth.” ~Michelle Andres”]
So, if this world is getting you down:
- Know your purpose…focus on it. Live your purpose with love, excellence and intention. Each person’s purpose is uniquely their own. When we focus on it, our vibe changes, and who knows, it might change the collective vibration as well.
- Focus on gratitude…what we see, we get more of. You DO have control over your eyes and your mind. If something bothers you, reframe it and always go for the gratitude.
- Value common sense…yes, the heart is important, but without a good head on your shoulders, you’re toast. Remember what is ideal and respect what is reasonable. If you are an individual with little common sense (and if that statement made you stop and wonder then, yes, you are) rely on the common sense of others.
- Surround yourself with the “good” so you can recharge and fortify your spirit. Do that for others – gift them with your good.
Dearest reader, I wish you a heart full of beauty, peace and deep gratitude this week. Celebrate Thanksgiving with a full spirit of gratitude for all the kindness and virtue in this world. Be part of the solution offering a gift to the world, the gift of being the very best you.
With Warmest Gratitude,
Michelle Andres is a writer and artist who cultivates her own Well Lived Life by drinking in the beauty around her, following her passion, respecting others and owning her own shit.
Follow her on Facebook and on Twitter and on Instagram
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November 20, 2015 at 10:31 pm
I found your words very soothing today. Thank you for the “re-direct” – hoping to “stay the course”!
November 21, 2015 at 1:09 am
Thanks for letting me know, Val. I’m happy the words were meaningful to you. ~m
November 24, 2015 at 9:21 pm
Hi Michelle,
Great food for thought. Changing the world starts at home – not just at home in our country, but at home in our families, with our neighbors, community members, etc. If we can learn to be more loving and accepting of each other in our own country, perhaps there is hope of us being more loving and accepting of each other in all parts of the world.
December 14, 2015 at 8:34 pm
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Amy. I like ’em!
December 14, 2015 at 8:27 pm
A nice reminder not to allow the overflow of information to replace what is good in our lives. Never hurts to be reminded. Thank you.
December 14, 2015 at 8:33 pm
Thank you, Susan!