Posts Tagged with ‘Transition’
Traveling Companions – The Unknown, Fear, Faith and Now
30 Oct 2018In uncertain times of transition, we find ourselves traveling with an array of partners. Some we can't choose; others we can. Here are some tips for getting to know them and choose them well.
I’m A Work In Progress
03 Oct 2018I’m a work in progress. It’s taking longer than I thought. Both the unfolding of me and our life transition. I grasp at lovely things, as if they were branches that will keep me from going under. Until this household move, I had little idea that I thrive on aesthetics, taking in beauty as if […]
The Middle
10 Jun 2016(I’m on summer vacation! These posts are re-posts. I have discovered a need to re-fill my creative cup. Looking forward to bringing you new and improved posts in the fall. I hope you enjoy these selected writings! Search topics of interest on my site for more related articles.) “Every giant redwood was once a seedling. […]
Bloom Before You Go to Seed
03 May 2013Disclaimer: The following content is not a judgment. It’s a musing…a simple observation of how life reveals itself in recurring themes, curtains of consciousness that run parallel and present occasional opportunities to transfer learning from one “universe” to another. I hope you enjoy the read. There’s a restaurant I go to on occasion. I’ve noticed […]