Posts Tagged with ‘fear’
Traveling Companions – The Unknown, Fear, Faith and Now
30 Oct 2018In uncertain times of transition, we find ourselves traveling with an array of partners. Some we can't choose; others we can. Here are some tips for getting to know them and choose them well.
Chills and Thrills – Why You Should Do What Scares You Most
17 Apr 2015Cheap thrills, chilling thrills, new thrills, known thrills…I’ll take ‘em all. Sometimes you have dreams of thrills, sometimes thrilling dreams – but stepping off the edge from time to time makes us feel ALIVE. It’s fun to push your boundaries. If you’re not a risk-taker, you still might stretch just a little – in a […]
Hearing Voices
02 Aug 2013I think of myself as fearless. But. I’m. Not. About 8 years ago I publically declared my intention to become a crazy old lady in my later years. That statement liberated me. It made it possible to be creatively fearless and do stuff that would make the faint of heart run and hide. I put […]