Art business, art coaching, Art Marketing, attitude, Daily Practices, Goal Setting, inspiration, Time Management
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Just One Thing.
That’s not “just one MORE thing.” It’s just one thing. That’s all you have to do to kick off marketing your art.
Last week I taught a great group of artists a workshop called “Marketing and Self-Promotion for Artists.” I offer an art business workshop each month through a local art venue. However, there’s a problem with marketing. The problem is there are so many ways to market, so many tried and true ways, that, if you’re a beginner, it’s easy to be overwhelmed. I’ll be honest with you…the more types of marketing you do, the more success you’re likely to have. But, if you’re an artist, being in the studio is probably at the forefront of your priorities….not marketing your work. Can’t you just hire someone to do it for you?
To know if hiring someone to market your work is a good option, answer this question –
Who cares more about the success of your art career than you do?
Most likely you’ve answered, “No one! I care more than anyone else possibly could!” That’s why YOU need to have some idea of how to market your own artwork.
So what should you do?
Far be it from me to “should” on other people. There are a lot of activities you can do to get your marketing program up and running, from creating your website to making new contacts and networking (just fancy jargon for “meeting people”). You could produce marketing materials like business cards and brochures, volunteer for some art events, or jump on every social media platform known to man. If you did all this, how could you possibly have time to paint, sculpt, create? Hey, if I could create ANYTHING, it might be more time (click to Tweet).
As I introduced different ways to market last weekend, I noticed my class began to look somewhat like game on the African plain. It’s not that they were sticking together or peacefully grazing, no. Their eyes got big and their bodies got tense and twitchy. Really, I’m not a predator, not really. See? So I followed with….
“Just choose one thing.”
Even when choosing “just one thing” concerns arose:
- I don’t have the resources
- I’m not clear on my vision
- I don’t have the money
- I don’t know how
- I don’t have time
Yep…that time shortage showed up over and over. “I don’t have time. “ Well, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but if you don’t want to be your own biggest collector, you’d better make time.
We artists love doing art. It’s those “other things” we don’t want to do. Well, here’s the tough truth…being a business person doesn’t mean you only practice your core craft, it means you work in every aspect of making that craft a business. You wear many hats. This means you do the banking and book keeping, you take care of the inventory, you do the marketing and look for opportunities to show your work. You apply for the proper licenses and pay your taxes. You may even go as far as doing framing, photographing and packaging your own work. When you are rich and famous you can have others do it, but initially, you’re your guy. (click to Tweet)
I’ve talked before about how to structure your work. You don’t have to spend a ton of time marketing, but you should spend some time marketing every day, or at the least a couple times per week. I usually schedule it in the morning, because my brain hasn’t booted up yet, and I know once I get into the studio it’ll take wild horses to drag me away. So, man up…or, er. woman up and schedule some regular time for marketing your work. Identify the task that will have the most positive impact and take the dive! Don’t get overwhelmed. There are a lot of choices, not a lot of demands. “You see, marketing is like a man wearing moisturizer – if you’re not doing it, just a little can make a huge difference.” (click to Tweet)
Get the support you need, and choose one thing. Then let us know how it goes right here. We’re all on your side. You’ve got this.
Choose Wisely,
Michelle Andres is a writer, artist and coach who nudges, nay, shoves, her clients in the direction of their dreams,

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To learn more about my professional development workshops go to my coaching page or contact Blue Line Arts
May 30, 2014 at 10:09 pm
I find your approach to be a breath of fresh air. I love that!
I get bogged down with doing it all that I forget to breath. Then, I feel tired, fatigued, overwhelmed, you get the picture. And, I’m not even the artist. So, what’s my excuse? Well, my excuse is there is still so much to be done. Even if you are making & promoting someone’s art.
The workshop on marketing and promoting our art was inspiring.
The “one thing” I’m going to do is cancel the marketing media companies that are not working for me.
May 30, 2014 at 11:04 pm
Wonderful, Lori! I’m so glad the workshop was helpful. One little detail I forgot to mention about marketing….Once you do the “Just one Thing” and you then have “Nothing” you need to find another “Just one Thing” to do. 🙂 Tricked ya! Keep moving forward and don’t get bogged down. There’s no need! Go get ’em, Girl!
May 31, 2014 at 6:50 pm
Kindest Regards Michele, it is nice to meet you here.
So funny Lori said the word, “refreshing” because that was my first thought too. I say let us all be thankful for one more thing because otherwise we are going nowhere else fast. Thanks for your encouragement. I usually rest or do something fun for a while when I feel tired.
Thank you!
Fine Artist_Painter
May 31, 2014 at 9:23 pm
Yes, there always is a new thing to add, Diane. Resting is important, too. I wrote about that week before last… http://michelleandresart.com/2014/05/bone-tired/ Thank you for your comments…keep painting! ~m