Live Your Yoga
13 Friday May 2016
Written by Michelle in Living your Purpose, Thoughts on everything
Live your yoga. That’s what my yoga instructor says when she ends class.
I’ve been harried lately (please don’t send Lady Gillettes, that’s not what I mean). I’m inundated preparing for a June art exhibit, taking on a new medium and managing multiple travel plans. It’s made daily living ripe for chaos and slip-ups. In past posts I’ve explored my penchant for over-commitment and collecting information – AKA “clutter” – when things get a bit too demanding.
Well, I’m THERE.
My balance has been off-kilter.
Many revelations come to me on the yoga mat, so I took to it this morning. We have the most incredible instructor who talks a bit about living your yoga before we begin class. Today’s topic was energy – yours…mine…ours. Our energy is our responsibility.
It’s entirely up to us the kind of energy do we use to fill ourselves. We are responsible for what we bring into a room. Into the world.
Is your energy usually compassionate and loving?
Is it fearful and hateful?
Where do you dwell?
My dogs are a prime indicator of my energy, even when I’m not fully aware. As I drop expletives at the computer, they try to calm me…save me. Don’t judge me! Technology can be HARD! Do the dogs suffer at my poor energy management? I believe they do – so sometimes, when taking on a challenging task, I let them play in the back yard while I
curse work.
As I pondered the topic, I wondered:
Do we use the quality of our own energy to try to influence circumstances? And is that wrong?
For instance, do you ever muster up high energy to cheer people up? That seems harmless, perhaps even generous. Do you ever use low energy to control a situation? That could, perhaps, be a more devious approach. Do you honor your own energy? That would, it seems to me, be where true authenticity resides. Do you give too much of your energy away? To the wrong people? That’s why boundaries are so important. (For more posts about boundaries just type it into the search bar at the top right corner).
[Tweet “I would like to believe I’m a responsible energy source.”]
I would like to believe I use my energy to bring positive qualities to the world that improve my life and the lives of others. But, that may not always be true. Not that I’m doing it intentionally.
Some thoughts for a practice of intentionally managing your energy:
- Heighten your awareness – Be aware of the energy you’re bringing into the room and how it may impact others. Is it authentic? Is it needy? Do you need to be alone for a while to get a hold and manage it? Do you need to put the dogs out?
- Stay resolute in your intention – Find mechanisms for managing your energy and use them – preferably in a daily routine. Meditation and intention setting may be helpful. Starting each day quietly setting intention or journaling can be useful. Yoga class always helps.
- Know our lives are a culmination of our focus – If you focus on what’s wrong, you’ll see more of it. If you focus on what’s right, you’ll see more of it. We create our realities this way. You choose it.
- Energy is mental, physical emotional and spiritual. Take responsibility of taking care of yourself in all four areas. Be sure to put on your own oxygen mask first before helping others – otherwise, nobody breathes.
- Consider The Gentle Art of Blessing. This practice puts you in a positive space and if done routinely, it WILL change your life.
Feel free to share your tactics for keeping in the right. If you know other’s who might like this blog, please share it with them. And remember, stuff grows where intention and focus flow. (click to Tweet)
Live your yoga,
I’ve got ART. Lots of it. And you can be a “Giveaway Winner!” I’m giving away 2 small pieces in a contest. To enter, either sign up for art emails here (usually 1 per month and I’ll NEVER share your address). The other way to win is to follow me on Instagram. On IG, find the “Get Notifications” graphic from my pictures and comment on it. You might as well actually “get notifications” while you’re there. At the end of May, I’ll be selecting 2 winners – I announce them in the Monthly Art Newsletter. Tell your friends, too. If you’re out of the area, I’ll pop your prize in the mail. Good luck to you! ~m
Michelle Andres is a writer and artist who cultivates her own Well Lived Life by drinking in the beauty around her, following her passion, respecting others and doing her best to own her own dookie.
Visit Michelle’s studio art site here.
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May 13, 2016 at 9:39 pm
Such an important topic and great tips you have included here. I had not heard of that book Gentle Art of Blessing and not read your previous blog post on that (until now). What a delightful example of changing our perspective in situations.
One of my favorite quotes is one I used to have framed and hanging in my office at work (before I became an entrepreneur and was dealing with hundreds of people a day) is from Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor. “Be responsible for the energy you bring into this space.” Still one of my all time favorite quotes!
Thanks for another FABULOUS post Michelle!
May 13, 2016 at 10:29 pm
Thank you for your kind words, Elda. I love the quote from Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor! Our energy is such a subtle, yet powerful part of us. Thanks for your comments. ~m
May 13, 2016 at 10:16 pm
Great post. It echoes everything I heard in my yoga therapy class this morning, yet hearing it OUTSIDE of yoga class is a reminder to live it throughout the day. Thanks!
May 13, 2016 at 10:31 pm
Thanks, Susan!
May 14, 2016 at 1:12 am
What a wonderful reminder of the co-creation of energy with every encounter. This week I’ve found myself exuding an energy that is less bright than I’d prefer. It seeped out of my pores (and my mouth), seemingly despite my attempts to filter it. Alas, I will try more thoughtful intention, be more aware of my focus…and take the dogs for a walk!
Thanks for the reminders!
May 14, 2016 at 2:24 am
Ah, it happens to us all, Jackie. Awareness and dog walks are good. Nice to hear from you!
May 14, 2016 at 7:33 pm
What a thoughtful post Michelle and such a helpful reminder. It can be increasingly challenging to stay conscious and intentional when life seems to move at ever-increasing speed, and yet it’s exactly then when we have to be most diligent. I think it would be useful to post a little reminder to myself I AM a responsible energy source.
I’m so glad you linked back to your older Bless You post – very lovely. I’d not heard of the book either, but I’ll make sure to read it. Blessing practices can be such beautiful things.
May 14, 2016 at 7:46 pm
It’s a great book, Deborah. Thank you for your kind words and encouragement.
May 14, 2016 at 7:39 pm
Some good reminders, Michelle! Love my yoga mat. Just don’t see it nearly enough!!
May 14, 2016 at 7:47 pm
I know, Amy! Isn’t it a shame we don’t make it a daily practice. I treat it like a “reward.” Maybe I’ll rethink that strategy.
May 16, 2016 at 2:13 pm
Encouraging read…and one I think I needed today. My energy has been down of late. Normally, I can ‘right’ myself, but this time it has been difficult. A little journal writing and reflection may be exactly what I need to do.
May 16, 2016 at 2:19 pm
I’m glad you found something to encourage moving out of it, Debbie. Take care of yourself and be gentle and forgiving. I hope it passes quickly. Hugs!
May 17, 2016 at 4:04 pm
wonderful post – my energy has been down of late, along with my focus. I decided it is best to take it easy, to pace myself, and get a few things done. I move my mom into memory care, and it has just zapped me – so I need to remember to take care of myself first and foremost. And yes, the dogs sense it all. When voices are raised (which isn’t often) you can find them under a bed or the nightstand. I think they sense my exhaustion – all three of them have been sleeping somehow touching me without bothering me through the night – I wake up with them surrounding me.
May 22, 2016 at 4:18 pm
I just love dogs. Such gentle, loving souls. I encourage you to be gentle with yourself, Vickie. I can’t imagine the difficulty your are having with not only moving your mom, but the emotional aspects of that loss. Take sometime to love yourself and fill your cup. It will freely flow from there. Be well….m
May 22, 2016 at 4:01 pm
Gotta say I love your energy in your writing. To the point, clear and done with a spirit of fun. You had me nodding and grinning throughout.
I’m going to focus more on what’s right in my life. Thank you, Michelle, for that much needed nudge.
As for dogs, well mine is patiently awaiting her walk. Off to do that soon. Have a wonderful Sunday.
May 22, 2016 at 4:19 pm
Thank you for the uplifting comment, Kelly. You had me smiling, too! Walk those beasts and enjoy the rest of the weekend. ~m
May 23, 2016 at 1:25 am
Great tips- I especially like the one on focus. I find that so true, if you focus on what’s right you will find more of it. Need to keep reminding myself of that!
May 25, 2016 at 2:29 am
What a timely and well-well written post, Michelle. That energy check reminder is priceless. I’ve been doing a fair amount of driving lately and have been listing to a 20ish CD series along the way (more than 1/2 way through in a matter of weeks) hat talks a lot about mindset and responsibility. This must be a message I need to hear repeatedly right now. Thanks for your gentle nudge.
On the dog thing, my mutt (she’s usually fairly laid back) gets very animated when I’ve spent way too much time focused on a single task. This is usually a rare behavior, but it’s been much more prevalent of late. Guess those animals make good energy shift enforcers when we’re too absorbed to know what’s good for us.