Archive for the ‘Art’ Category
It’s Not Always a Masterpiece
09 Aug 2013I paint. My husband plays golf. It’s not always a masterpiece and his round is not always par. As a matter of fact, he’s yet to shoot a sub-par round. And me…that masterpiece….well, never you mind. I’d written another post for this week. I said, “This really sucks. I won’t publish it.” Then it occurred […]
Hearing Voices
02 Aug 2013I think of myself as fearless. But. I’m. Not. About 8 years ago I publically declared my intention to become a crazy old lady in my later years. That statement liberated me. It made it possible to be creatively fearless and do stuff that would make the faint of heart run and hide. I put […]
Copeless…At the End of My Ropeless
26 Jul 2013Sometimes life gets messy. My personal mess began with a leaking ceiling during a triple digit heat wave. The restoration company demolished the wet plaster, set up an industrial fan in the living room and the adventure began. The reconstruction impeded my ability to move, actually walk, through the house. The only way to get […]
Hangin’ With the Herd and Drinking with Baboons
19 Jul 2013“I never really have fit in” – I hear people say that all the time. “I was different. I was the black sheep,” they’ll say. After listening for some time, I realize…they wouldn’t trade belonging if it meant changing who they are. I respect that. Blessed are those who have discovered their herd (click to […]
Filling the Solo Cup
12 Jul 2013(This is a repost from July of 2013. The information is still relevant today…feel free to comment or share the post with others who may benefit. ~m) I work alone. Mostly, I write alone. I paint alone, and that’s the way I like it. Sometimes I’m coaching others, and I really love it. However, most […]
Care and Feeding of the Muse – Aspirations of Inspiration
05 Jul 2013Woot!!! Dumpster loads of clean up occurred as a result of last week’s “The Urge to Purge” post. If you missed it, click on this link or find it in the archives on the website. You reported lots of offices, studios and workspaces got a much needed sprucing. GOOD FOR YOU! Since that’s out of […]
The Urge to Purge
28 Jun 2013Clutter You have it. That “stuff” you leave in your wake, the constant reminder there is unfinished business, loose ends, a mess, you’re not perfect. Well, guess what? You’re not perfect. I like you that way. I like me that way, too. We are proof of the human condition (click to Tweet). That clutter, though…it […]
Poetry, Purpose and Pushing Up Daisies
19 Jun 2013I Will Not Die an Unlived Life “I will not die an unlived life. I will not live […]
As Good As Goaled
14 Jun 2013Many years ago, I opened a volume of poetry and prayers and a colourful, folded, Post-It note fell out. On this paper I had written 5 things I wanted to accomplish. I’d written them, tucked them into the book and forgotten all about them. They incubated on the bookshelf for 2 years, then, voila, were […]
Souler Power
07 Jun 2013Is angst the wellspring of creativity? If you Google the word “wellspring” – this is the definition you find: Wellspring – Noun An original and bountiful source of something: “sadness is the wellspring of creativity.” There are studies supporting creativity is driven by depression, mental illness, angst. I respectfully disagree. Now, don’t get me wrong, […]
The Quicksand of Introspection
31 May 2013Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” ~ C.G. Jung Many creative types tend to be introspective. According to Merriam Webster introspection can be understood this way: […]
The Path
24 May 2013Remember those flip storybooks? The kind you had when you were a kid? There were several divided pages you could choose from and you’d flip one part of the story and it would change the entire storyline. Life is kind of like that. Are you happy with the way your life is unfolding? It occurred […]
Willpower and Work – An Inside Job
17 May 2013Yes, I’m a bad person. I know this because the book group I founded, brimming with incredible women, told me so. I got myself in a bit of a mess over a book about Willpower. I don’t really lack willpower, not really. I have it when I want it, BUT I didn’t want it for […]
Give Yourself a Break
10 May 2013Life can get going pretty fast. It’s easy to fall into a pattern, partake in the same old activities, see the same people each day and do the same old thing. Some people call it the “Grind.” Well, you may be stuck in the grind, or you may be enjoying the way things are…no matter, […]
Bloom Before You Go to Seed
03 May 2013Disclaimer: The following content is not a judgment. It’s a musing…a simple observation of how life reveals itself in recurring themes, curtains of consciousness that run parallel and present occasional opportunities to transfer learning from one “universe” to another. I hope you enjoy the read. There’s a restaurant I go to on occasion. I’ve noticed […]
Creating a Whole
26 Apr 2013I remember as a child, shutting life away and creating stories and poetry. I’d spend hours upon hours in my bedroom…writing. What a delight to be in my perfect world, enjoying myself, creating (click to Tweet). There was a constant narrative running in my head. As I observed life, I would dialogue what I saw […]