This Free Spirit
13 Friday Dec 2013
Written by Michelle in Better Behaviour, Living your Purpose, Thoughts on everything
attitude, Authenticity, Creative Expression, finding yourself, Free spirit, Freedom, happiness, living your purpose, passionate living, self expression
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This free spirit sings aloud, filled with mirth.
This free spirit sometimes partakes of dessert before dinner.
This free spirit dances with dogs, many of them, all at once.
This free spirit feasts eyes upon bold and lively colour palettes.
This free spirit sports costumes which please her…sometimes to the amusement of others.
This free spirit speaks her truth, never trying to hurt, but to connect and understand.
This free spirit takes chances, knowing this life is precious, to be celebrated and savored.
This free spirit feels deeply, loves fearlessly and is loyal to the end.
This free spirit can soar when the surroundings feel harmonious and beautiful.
This free spirit should not be crossed…no…you don’t want to do that.
This free spirit feels your stories and is honored to hold your hand along the path.
This free spirit has been known to eat nothing but chocolate for an entire day (click to Tweet).
This free spirit laughs at her own jokes and will laugh at yours…if they’re funny.
This free spirit wants to see everyone she meets stand in their own light, no matter their light, she appreciates the “illumination.”
This free spirit loves animals and household furnishings and must confess…loves them equally.
This free spirit is curious and sees the wonder in all things.
This free spirit speaks her mind. Then sometimes has to apologize.
“This free spirit has given both permission and immortality to her inner child.” (click birdie to Tweet)
This free spirit cries at the sweetness of life and the imperfection of her own soul.
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Ready for some creative fun while pursuing your dreams for the new year? I’ll be having a Beginning Mosaic Workshop called ” Magic in 2014″ in January. Register or learn more!
December 29, 2013 at 5:31 am
Thank you Thank you for this website! In this world of dim light, there needs to be more like this; everything contained herein, can help us become vessels of positivity, clear our minds of complacency, redefine the value of experiences we’ve had (good and bad), help us realize the profound blessing of the here and now, and inspire us to grasp hold of the opportunities of an onward and upward direction! I’m going to enjoy visiting here often, it remains now on my top bookmarks to tend daily!
December 29, 2013 at 3:39 pm
Thank you SO MUCH Georgann. What wonderful words to hear! Much gratitude ~ Michelle