Endings and Beginnings
20 Friday Dec 2013
Written by Michelle in Art Business, Better Behaviour, Living your Purpose
Achieving Your Dreams, Art business, attitude, change, coaching, Growing your business, New Beginnings, New Year's Resolutions, passionate living, Personal Development, setting goals, Time Management, Work Satisfaction
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(Note: This may be the least humorous, most content rich post I’ve ever written. I’ve provided links to previous posts as resources for you. I hope it helps you create a blueprint for making your dreams come true in 2014…should you choose to create one! Please, as you link to the other posts, feel free to comment on them and share them…Thank you for helping The Art of the Well Lived Life GROW! I am grateful for your readership. ~ m)
I’m feeling a lot of pressure this time of year. It’s all good stuff, but it feels like none of the balls should be dropped, lest they shatter like a delicate Christmas ornament and shatter to pieces the dreams of a hopeful child…yep….pressure.
The fact that time marches on and I’m smack in the middle of the path has me a bit concerned (click to Tweet). Nature calls…not like THAT, silly! The moon was full the other night, so I felt the need to have a final, good, scrubbing for 2013 and not track any dirt into the pristine promise of 2014. Here’s more about how I journal in accordance with the moon.
Also, Solstice is peeking her head around the corner and I adore her! It’s tomorrow! *LET THERE BE LIGHT! * Days will get longer. Hope springs from light and warmth and new growth. Many consider solstice the dawning of the new year. Whether you celebrate December 20th or January 1 – it’s staring you in the face! In the midst of all the celebration and fervor, have you considered what you want to do with your 2014? It’ll happen, whether you plan some audacious strides or not.(click to Tweet).
I encourage you to take this time to consider what their ideal year would look like. This may easily consist of more than your business goals…you might like to review the Life Balance Wheel and see if you have any gaping holes that will swallow your best laid plans like a sink hole in Central Florida. (Of course, you aren’t planning a sink hole! I mean swallow the PLANS! Never mind…) Once you know which areas you’d like to bolster, create a list of the things you’d like to do next year to make it happen. Make your goals S.M.A.R.T. – if you don’t, well, that’s just not smart, and I don’t want to call you stupid or anything…you’re an adult, you can draw your own conclusions.
There are lots of ways of backing those goals into your calendar. Identify and engage resources and support groups to help you achieve your goals, or hire a coach to help you find your way and overcome your demons (hint, hint). I have some screaming deals on artist’s coaching packages (click to Tweet).
And FINALLY, because so much is about attitude…don’t forget your “Nutshell” word. That single, guiding word that will be your compass for the upcoming year. Where are you in your journey? What do you want to express? For example, last year mine was “joy.”
Just a few things to think about between baking, wrapping, traveling, finishing the year end books and anything else that may be on your plate. Don’t forget – when it’s all over it will just be you…and 365 days you’ve been given to make your dreams come true. Manage your time wisely.
To New Beginnings!

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December 20, 2013 at 4:53 pm
Lots of great stuff to consider, contemplate and help move us in the right direction. Overwhelm is a word with alot of power this time of year- be it the holidays or just wrapping things up. Thanks Michelle for reminding us to take the time to journal and share what is truly important to us.
December 20, 2013 at 6:33 pm
You’re welcome, Nanci. If it’s too much right now, save the thoughts and address them when you have time to contemplate what you really would like to create. The bigger issue is…if you don’t consciously make it happen, something else will happen. Something IS going to happen. I kind of like having the reins (although at times that’s an illusion…but that’s another post).
January 31, 2014 at 8:04 pm
Wow very good advice here. I decided to stop beating myself up over the fact that sales are down down- well actually rock bottom to be honest and use this year to get a new project going involving my teaching skills and bringing fun andcreativity to the non artists out there. Ill let you know when its launched but meanwhile Im focusing on the research, making a business plan and doing marketing. I knew I would have to overcome lots of personal blocks and am using EFT technics to solve this. Whatch this space and blessings to you all
January 31, 2014 at 8:11 pm
Good for you, Aurora! I’m interested in hearing more. Please keep in touch and stay strong and courageous. Change can be hard…terrifying and thrilling…all at the same time. EFT is a great idea. Keep us posted and much success! ~m