The Art of Letting Go
03 Friday Feb 2017
Written by Michelle in Better Behaviour, Living your Purpose, Thoughts on everything
Balance, Creating Joy, Intention, letting go, life balance, Not Taking Life So Seriously, Seeking Happiness, Unintended Consequences
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Letting go may be the single, most important factor in creating a joyful life. (click to Tweet)
It’s not what we don’t have, it’s not what we do have, it’s the stuff we drag behind us…the weight of the expectations, the fears, the disappointments and perhaps, even, the weight of the betrayal that pull the joy right from our hearts.
I learn so much on my yoga mat, I’m not sure why I don’t go to it daily. Yesterday, setting an intention for my practice, I chose “letting go,” because [Tweet “Sometimes you get more by giving stuff away, than you do by adding things to your life. “]
Maybe you’ve noticed, I used to publish this blog every week – but, recently, that’s stopped. Truth is, the current political climate took a lot out of me. I’m pretty sensitive to “harmony” and when the world becomes a cacophony of discord, it eventually kicks even my inner cheerleader’s ass. I like to keep our topics relevant, yet light, because my truth is, we all take life a bit too seriously. But, that’s not the only reason you haven’t heard from me. Here’s what’s been filling my plate:
- Serious family loss
- Christmas and trying to just get through it
- A nasty cold and trying to kick it before
- A 13 day visit from my parents
- Sick parents (all will be okay)
- 5 Trees blowing over in my front yard
- Unplanned professional engagements
- Division in our country over political developments (I’m sure, no matter how you feel about this, this has affected you, too).
- My book
- A fence
Oddly, one of the biggest deals was the fence. My neighbor erected it while we were away tending the serious family loss. From the fence, came a huge sense of dismissal and betrayal from someone I previously trusted. When approached, he defended his decision vehemently – another barrier he erected. (No “wall” references, please, though they are not lost on me). My husband and I have spent significant time trying to maintain our relationship with this neighbor, but that’s another story. Anyway – yesterday – on the mat….
I let it all go.
No more squatting in my head – any of it – any of them. It was Ground Hog Day, deemed wisely by a friend, a pivotal point to reclaim my life. So, I let it ALL go.
Letting go has always been difficult for me. My heart has an enormous space for what I deem just and unjust in the world. I’m an Aquarian, you know? Yet, I can’t help but think holding on to hurts from unjustness has no place in a heart of any living thing. Period. Harboring this unjustness in our hearts has unintended consequences. We create an environment for these toxins to flourish and must then do some personal hazmat work in order to reclaim a healthy inner world. Well, spring is on the way, so it’s a good time to do weeding and plant our future gardens.
I’m not advocating for denial. I’m promoting balance. I’m recommending we keep ugly things at arms distance until we can bless them, act on them (if appropriate) and let them go – not to accept or acquiesce to them. Check out the serenity prayer.
Yesterday, I got this note from a friend who came across something on my Facebook page that changed her idea of how she wanted to live her life:
“Hey Michelle, looking at your FB page helped me with something. I’ve gotten way too swept up in the political! I took down most of my political posts because I realized they weren’t helping anything. Now I will use that space for uplifting images, art, family pics, etc. I think I will be happier. When I visited your studio you suggested a glass of wine…I was doing political fretting even then. I’ll try that too. Thanks!”
Perhaps it was this she saw:
As we work towards letting things go, it’s important we also realize we are responsible for the energy we take into any particular space. Maybe that’s why I stopped writing for a while. My good mother taught me, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” While it’s solid advice, I do try to approach difficult subjects with humor and non-judgment. The last couple months have been a difficult process, for me. My energy would not have benefited you, so I guess I spared you. You’re welcome! <wink>
It feels liberating to let go. It feels blissful to be back and not be dragging judgments from the past behind me. Oh, yes, I mentioned my book. I completed it as part of my 2016 goals. Here’s a peek….
I hope we can all reclaim the joy that is ours for the taking by letting go of the toxins that can take root in our hearts. It doesn’t require you do much, but then, like anything worth while, it takes effort to do.
Lighten Up,
Michelle Andres is a writer and artist who cultivates her own Well Lived Life by drinking in the beauty around her, following her passion, respecting others and doing her best to own her own dookie.
Follow her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
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February 3, 2017 at 7:49 pm
Thank you Michelle, you have become a very large part of the good that shows up in my life these days. I love and value your writings, paintings and willingness to allow light to shine. I just finished those 3 free videos by Dr Wayne Dyer. You are echoing much of what he shared. I really do not believe in coincidences anymore. Thank you for channeling energy for good.
February 3, 2017 at 9:47 pm
Thank you, Carol, for your flattering comment. It can be hard to shine sometimes. The more of us that can carry the torch, the brighter the light. Keep focused on the good and love your life, friend. XOXO ~m
February 3, 2017 at 11:16 pm
Thank you for this post Michelle, wonderful timing, my theme for my work this year is “letting go”. I will print this out for the folder I always collect relevant articles that I use when the work is shown
thanks again Best ashar
February 3, 2017 at 11:26 pm
I’m glad it hit the spot, Ashar! I’m an admirer of your work and look forward to seeing this theme in your art. Much success! ~m
February 4, 2017 at 5:17 pm
How happy I was to see your post Michelle! I’ve missed your wonderful insights. Last year was difficult for so many people but I am optimistic for 2017. I continue to further my art projects as I have let go of all the financial and spiritual burdens of Florida and now reside in the mountains of Georgia.
I have always believed that there has to be some balance in our world and just today I received an email from The Wilderness Society where a proposed bill to grab public lands has been withdrawn…I care deeply for our environment as it motivates my art.
Congratulations on your book!! It looks beautiful! Here is to our light shining strong in 2017! Deborah
February 4, 2017 at 6:30 pm
Thank you, Deborah! The serenity – to accept the things I cannot change. The courage – to change the things I can. The wisdom – to know the difference. I think it’s a recipe for a well lived life. Congratulations on your new home, your positive outlook and the good news. Hugs ~m
February 4, 2017 at 11:57 pm
HI Michelle~~~
Thank you for writing your blog. I tend to be a person who likes to deal with as many emails in a “one and done” method. Not always possible but a big majority of my emails are looked at once and dealt with. Due to this method, I don’t always read the blogs I subscribe to. BUT. when I do read your blog. I find you to be such an introspective, intuitive, creative, and lovely writer. Thank you for writing your Art of Letting Go blog. Touched me. Spoke to me. I hope to recall it when it’s needed in my life. like daily!
You have had a lot on your plates. I hope you’ve had some peace even a little bit of peace lately. I think of you and pray for calmness and peace. And… I look forward to seeing you at the club soon!
February 5, 2017 at 3:36 am
Thank you, Sue, for your kind words and support. I’m glad you enjoy the blog – and get to it whenever you can – divine timing. Thank you for thinking of me. I found peace on that yoga mat and we’ve been sticking together since.
February 5, 2017 at 3:08 am
Really enjoyed this post. Love how you share in print. You’ve said everything that’s been bouncing around in my pathetic little mind the last several months while I’ve been too—too—-too “ass kicked” myself. It can happen to anyone!
And interestingly, my quagmire compounded when I had to stop yoga due to medical problems. Intention. Mindfulness. So important! Finally now I, too, am getting back on the mat little by little, and the haze is lifting. Thanks for reminding me what I’m made of. I’m looking forward to reclaiming my own, and joining back in the blog group soon.
February 5, 2017 at 3:38 am
I’m glad you can find your place to claim your peace, Patty. If not a yoga mat, simple meditation often helps me. Thank you for your words of encouragement. ~m
February 8, 2017 at 2:27 pm
Well said, and congrats on the book! “Let go and Let God” one of my very favorite quotes…I use it almost daily and it really does help to clear out the mind.
February 16, 2017 at 5:10 pm
Thanks, Debbie! Good quote!!!
February 16, 2017 at 4:47 pm
I feel ya, Michelle. I’m attuned to that discord as well and also haven’t been blogging as much. I hope all your health and family things improve. xoxo
February 16, 2017 at 5:09 pm
Thanks, Naomi! Glad I’m not alone. Things are getting better, too.