Ever notice how when you get all caught up in the world you’re in tangles and dreadful and unhappy?
I think I speak for a lot of us in the U.S. when I say this election has taken a toll on our personal relationships, our faith in our country and any semblance of inner peace we once had. It lead me to this:
This Unholy Mess
This unholy mess
Where good women and men set aside their virtues to follow unproven false gods.
This unholy mess
When the decent abandon their identities and souls to take up verbal arms against one another.
For what?
Two depraved power-mongers who closely hold secrets and lies and plans we know nothing of.
They’ve amassed hoards of innocents, whose only sin is the thirst for brighter lives and fuller bellies.
Innocents who gladly abandon their own essence to follow them into the darkness.
They stockpile believers with false narratives,
then they call them votes.
The price – soul for an uncertain future. The most egregious of trades.
Unholy messes don’t only happen during election times. Our lives are filled with challenges, conflict, inner-turmoil and, hopefully, a dash of introspection. After writing this poem I wondered what went wrong. It was easy – I forgot one simple thing…I have a choice. Maybe that choice IS the “freedom” I seek. We all can choose how much of this we steep in and when to say, “no more.” We can choose how to interpret what we hear and learn. We can refocus our energy on what we want to create for ourselves in the now.
When I’ve been in this place before, I’ve noticed spirituality was taking a backseat to false narratives and drama – often created by someone else. How wildly silly is that – to give away that personal power? If Nelson Mandela can survive 27 years on Robben Island and emerge whole, I can outlast this. (click to Tweet)
So, with 3 weeks to go, I’m throwing myself into remembering who I am, who I want to be when we all emerge and where to focus my attention to reclaim a full, joyful, happy existence. Because we all know –
So, let’s all just sage ourselves and move along, shall we? I’m getting weary of this place and the price is too expensive for my soul.(click to Tweet)
Reclaim Yourself!
Michelle Andres is a writer and artist who publicly struggles with our humanity (especially during election years) and how to find a happy, healthy balance in life.
Follow her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
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View her art here
October 21, 2016 at 3:42 pm
Well said. Love the poem!
October 21, 2016 at 4:07 pm
Thank you, Susan! I’ve been writing a little poetry lately. When I read one, I thought to myself, this isn’t that good. I appreciate your thumbs up! ~m
October 22, 2016 at 2:33 pm
Yes, you are so right. I have stopped paying attention because it’s all the same fake messages. We have to preserve what’s important to us… including beautiful poetry.
October 22, 2016 at 2:52 pm
I’m impressed you were able to stop paying attention, Naomi. I don’t watch much news, but still, if I see the train-wreck I have to look…at least occasionally. (sigh)
October 25, 2016 at 10:53 pm
What a great poem, Michelle! Personally, unless I’m doing advocacy work, I make it a practice not to discuss politics (among other things). It’s one of those subjects where people dig their heels in so changing minds is mostly impossible for reasons that generally aren’t rational. There are no winners coming out of this presidential race – I figure there will be enough stress to shoulder after it’s all over to let it start burdening now.
October 25, 2016 at 11:26 pm
Oh, NO Nanette!!! I don’t want any stress after it’s over. I want all the stress to belong to the winning candidate.
October 25, 2016 at 11:36 pm
Good luck with that one ;-).
October 28, 2016 at 11:06 am
It’s an expressive poem for the times. What an ugly election year it’s been.
October 28, 2016 at 3:47 pm
Agreed. Thanks, Carol!