Wonky World – Mercury in Retrograde
18 Friday Sep 2015
Written by Michelle in Thoughts on everything
From September 17th until October 9th Mercury is in retrograde, or
“retrofit” as my husband likes to say, but he’s not a big “asstrology” fan. I don’t REALLY know what this retrograde thing is all about, but I’ve heard things can go askew during this time. In a way, it makes no sense, because beginning last weekend everything got wonky in my perfect little world.[Tweet “I think Mercury decided to do a dress rehearsal on me.”]
It seems nothing is getting done. I arrive at confirmed appointments at the wrong time (miscommunication), meetings seem uneasy, misunderstandings rear their heads, traffic is unbearable and things just aren’t falling into place, in fact, they may not even have a place.
Do you know what I mean? Does this ever happen to you? I KNOW it does. Sure, we try to remain positive and hopeful, because we know if we even dare breathe on the idea of the energy-sucking, fire-breathing dragon, we give life to it…and I ain’t no dragon mama! (click to tweet)
So, this week, this post is for us. Sit back and relax, because I did the research, but we’ve got to get through this thing together. Here are some tips I found on surviving Mercury’s snit fit:
- Gala Darling offers tips for surviving Mercury in retrograde – Don’t take things personally, read the fine print, back up your data, no big ticket purchases and go with the flooooow (as if there was one!). You can read more here.
- Gala also invites us to make the most of this time by rejuvenating your living space, updating your personal mission statement, taking a holiday or updating your CV – uh, oh? Take a breath…she says nothing about job loss.
- A week by week forecast is available here. It reveals the 2nd week of September is rife for burnout from stress (ah, the dress rehearsal) and the 3rd week is a great time to reassess goals and make adjustments for goals through the rest of the year. The last week in September is a good time to rebalance – specifically, September 23rd. What the heck? Rebalancing is always a good idea.
- On the website, “Preen,” Shinji Manlangit gives 10 tips for surviving retrograde, including avoiding contracts, backing up important files and nixing the gossip.
As I reflect on these suggestions, I realize this is stellar advice, even when Mercury ISN’T in retrograde. It’s good news, really, because we can practice putting our best selves forward and learn to get it right despite the pressure. It’s a great idea to become comfortable chilling through life’s ups and downs because in 2015 we had three instances of Mercury in retrograde and there will be four instances in 2016 – and that’s not even counting the retrogrades we manufacture through our own neuroses. I guess we’d better get our dookie together. (click to Tweet)
For the next couple weeks let’s be a little more careful, a little more grateful, and treat ourselves to a bit of extreme self-care. Let’s extend forgiveness to others a little more generously.
Thinking of you (and me), as we navigate this course and look forward to breaking free October 9th! Until then….
I’ll Be Seeing Stars,
Michelle Andres is a writer and artist. She writes this blog to share tips for a well-lived life and a finely run art business…just for you!
Michelle Andres Calendar
YIPEEEEE! “2016 Art and Inspiration” calendars are here!!! If you are interested in a calendar featuring my artwork and blog quotes, you can leave me a message and I’ll be sure you get one while I still have them! $20 plus a shipping fee of $4.99 or they can be picked up in my R. Street Studio. 12 months of art and inspirational quotes from the studio and the blog!
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September 18, 2015 at 3:18 pm
This was very interesting – I keep hearing about Mercury in Retrograde – but I don’t totally understand it. However, I’m all for rebalancing my life starting now – and it seems like it is a good time to do it – it has inspired me to do some deep cleaning out this weekend!
September 18, 2015 at 3:56 pm
Good for you, Vickie! And don’t let the small stuff get to you – I think it piles up during this time. Happy rebalancing! ~m
September 18, 2015 at 5:44 pm
Oh no oh no oh no. It’s here already? Last time I lost my computer, so I’ve backed up a bunch of photos and files in preparation. I guess I’ll have to lay low!
September 18, 2015 at 6:01 pm
I’m SO sorry, Naomi…I didn’t mean to terrify you. Just back up your data and look at the ways to take advantage of this time…they’re pretty nice. http://galadarling.com/article/10-magical-ways-to-make-the-most-of-mercury-retrograde1/
September 21, 2015 at 2:44 pm
Greta post. I also find that practicing all of these “tips” everyday helps me to stay centered and focused during a Retrograde period. Thanks for including so many good ideas!
September 21, 2015 at 3:00 pm
I found myself revisiting the “tips” last night, Stephanie. Quite a wonky one, the retrograde, for me. I NEVER even noticed it before. I guess it’s good practice.
September 22, 2015 at 12:34 am
Bless you! Thank you for telling me how many retrogrades are taking place this year and next. I keep reading about them, and before I read this post, dreading them, but I had no idea how often they occur. I’ve had a couple of wonky weeks myself lately. Now it all makes sense. Thanks, Michelle.
September 22, 2015 at 2:13 am
You’re welcome, Kelly! I’m definitely NOT an expert, but this current one has me by the tail! Stay strong and chill! ~m
September 22, 2015 at 12:42 am
I’ll be wonky with you Michelle! Does this mean I can come out from under my desk now?
September 22, 2015 at 2:14 am
Ahhh, Val! Are you having some weirdness in your life right now? We could certainly share stories!
September 23, 2015 at 10:51 pm
I’ve often suspected that weirdness follows weird…but thanks for “putting the blame” on “asstrology” for me…
September 24, 2015 at 10:04 am
Haha – not MY term, Val! It’s good to have an explanation though, don’t you think?
September 24, 2015 at 4:18 am
It has been happening a lot lately that people cancel on me or don’t show up… but I don’t know if it’s Mercury Retrograde or my own doing, because the feeling I usually get is of relief. ‘Ýay, I get to have some time to myself!’ Whatever it is, the message is clear – have more time to myself!
September 24, 2015 at 10:03 am
It sounds like it’s working out for you, Tat!
September 24, 2015 at 6:43 pm
Sounds like the perfect time to create a vision board, which is what I’ll be guiding a handful of others in doing tonight. (Oh, and thanks for the reminder to back up my data. Off to get my flash drive now …)
September 24, 2015 at 7:13 pm
Have a great class, Heather!