Art Answers, Art business, art coaching, Art Problems, Art Resources, Bad Habits, Behavior Problems, getting through life, Life Skills, Problems, Productive Artists
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Yeah, I know you have one. Or you ought to. I currently have an issue I’m working out….more often than not, I work on it in front of you all! Not this one…not yet.
Cat got yer tongue?
Truly, we all face different challenges at different times in our lives. Full-time artists have different challenges than part-time artists. Self-employed artists find various challenges, but so do artists who work for design firms or studios. The challenges we face are unique and personal. Some of us have problems feeling isolated because we so often work alone. Lately, I’ve heard lots of complaints about making time to get into the studio. Yes, marketing does take substantial time…but is there another reason you’re not dragging your butt into the studio for your joyful, creative time. Feeling guilty, maybe?
I’ve gotta say, if you didn’t have a problem when you began reading, you’ll have one before you finish!(click to Tweet) I’m saying it with love, of course. Identifying areas to improve and acting on them keep us growing. It’s a good thing….trust me.
Often, I write about my own challenges for these posts. You usually understand, because as a community, we’re not alone and share many experiences.
It’s cool, you sometimes get to benefit from my babble. Often, you may just sit back and laugh at me…in judgment…whatever. (click to Tweet)
There are over 80 posts here to help answer your questions. I mean, I’ve had issues. I’ve shared. I’ve solved. I did the footwork for you. So, today, I invite you to dig.
Recently, I’ve tried to organize resources so they’ll be easier for you to find. I’ve sorted through behavioural change posts and art business posts and put the most popular of each on their very own pages. Have a business challenge? Here are the most popular posts. You can also search at the bar on top of the website, with words like “Artist Statement,” “Branding” or “Time Management” you will find resources. If you’re getting in your own way with unproductive behaviours – check here. Behavioural words like “Lazy,” “Awkward” and “Pissed Off” are also searchable – I checked.
The coaching page offers more direct help, such as one on one sessions or workshops. You can also find my own art at the “My Art” link.
If you have a specific challenge, I invite you to share it on the blog in the comments below. Maybe your challenge is one we haven’t discussed yet. If enough of you leave questions…hey, I’ve got material for next week….and you might have an answer or resource. You’re almost never alone, even when you feel like it. So, be brave and share. That’s why were here….for one another. So, what’s your problem?
I Don’t Have All the Answers, But I Do Have a Few,
Michelle Andres is a writer, artist and coach who nudges, nay, shoves, her clients in the direction of their dreams, helping them to overcome non-productive behaviours and enjoy more success in their lives. Available to you for a little hand holding or a good ass-kicking.
Follow her on Facebook and on Twitter
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August 22, 2014 at 4:20 am
Problem: I’m 76. And a half! Got an opportunity I really want to do, but am battling some disability. I have energy for art, but then I have to sleep. Then I get up and art away happily, until I have to sleep. Not narcolepsly BTW.. Sleep study AOK. It’s post polio syndrome the MD thinks. Probably..I’m a prime candidate. I want to sign on to a long term program painting mural panels for a fantastic new branch of a hotel chain. They have accepted my app, and want me. CAN I do this? I am signing on as a “temporary employee” according to the terms (not a contract). Most hours are at home. I tally and send in hours. Some work on the job later, they say. CAN I do this? It’s a really fine group with a good rep.
I know I can talk to the team and probably they will be easy on me, but CAN I do it and follow through? I have to choose my battles here, weighing my regular art and the big project… will I lose traction on my day by day art? It is not bringing in a living, but my stuff is selling better and better. I am really loathe to take on something I can’t follow through on for health reasons. Right now, I’m ok. But I might not be ok in a month, or six months…and then I’ll be ok again. Just talk to the HR people about it? The art team I’ll be working with? Oh, it’s hard to make a wise decision. Thanks. Susan
August 22, 2014 at 1:50 pm
Hi Susan – that’s quite an opportunity and quite a challenge, given your health limitations. What does your doctor say? Will the heavy workload jeopardize your health? If it would, I would think long and hard before committing. Given an okay by your doctor, you did mention a “team.” I’m assuming their are many people working on the mural. You may be able to find some support there in terms of workload (if you would need to). THEN, there’s your own work, which you say is gaining momentum. Lots of things to consider. In the long run, what is most important to you? What feeds your soul? And – it that “doable?” Your own heart knows the answer. Why not spend some quiet time and ask?
August 24, 2014 at 1:16 am
My husband has had serious health issues over the past year. For several months I was his sole caregiver. Things are looking up and I am struggling to get back in the studio to create. I retired from my ‘day job’ during this time. I have so many ideas, but can’t seem to get my momentum back. Suggestions to reignite the flame ?
August 24, 2014 at 2:52 am
Hi Susan. I hope your husband is feeling better. Retirement is a great time to unleash your creative flame, but when life throws you curveballs, it can be hard to build momentum. I do have some ideas. You can find them here… http://michelleandresart.com/2013/07/care-and-feeding-of-the-muse-aspirations-of-inspiration/
If you need to manage time better, you’ll find some ideas on my “Art of Life” page.
Let me know how it works for you!
August 28, 2014 at 2:58 am
I gave up creating my own art when having children and working, found it too hard to juggle competing priorities. But now I find my soul suffering. My children are still young but school age and my husband is self employed so he works a lot, so time is still difficult with myself working as well. Any thoughts on how to get through this stage of life without losing every ounce of creativity.
August 28, 2014 at 4:17 am
Hi Teresa….that’s a conundrum. I gave up creating and found myself angry and bitter. Lots of people work and have families and still find time to honor their art “in between the cracks.” How about finding a little time for your own art, and also fostering a love of art in your children and doing projects together? In my experience, the creativity doesn’t go away. As a matter of fact, when I finally gave myself permission to create again it was like drinking water from a fire hose. But, don’t deny your true nature. You’ll be a much better partner, parent and person if you are living a joyful life. Permission granted to be YOU!