Posts Tagged with ‘Looking at things differently’
Poetry, Purpose and Pushing Up Daisies
19 Jun 2013I Will Not Die an Unlived Life “I will not die an unlived life. I will not live […]
As Good As Goaled
14 Jun 2013Many years ago, I opened a volume of poetry and prayers and a colourful, folded, Post-It note fell out. On this paper I had written 5 things I wanted to accomplish. I’d written them, tucked them into the book and forgotten all about them. They incubated on the bookshelf for 2 years, then, voila, were […]
Willpower and Work – An Inside Job
17 May 2013Yes, I’m a bad person. I know this because the book group I founded, brimming with incredible women, told me so. I got myself in a bit of a mess over a book about Willpower. I don’t really lack willpower, not really. I have it when I want it, BUT I didn’t want it for […]
Give Yourself a Break
10 May 2013Life can get going pretty fast. It’s easy to fall into a pattern, partake in the same old activities, see the same people each day and do the same old thing. Some people call it the “Grind.” Well, you may be stuck in the grind, or you may be enjoying the way things are…no matter, […]
We’re Getting the Dog Finger Again!
05 Apr 2013Some of you have traveled the journey of “My Dog’s Life” and shed some tears reading my last blog post about my terrier who, at the time, was dying. You’ll recall my acceptance of a failed relationship and witnessing me swimming in a pool of guilt and angst. Like most things in life, that has […]
My Dog’s Life
28 Mar 2013If you’re a regular reader, you know – nothing really surprises me. I’m very open and confessional. And here, you can be, too. What I like most about life is the imperfections in mankind…and that includes me. Enjoy my confessional…I find it liberating. When you do it, I find it endearing. I’ve always felt […]
Is Darth Vader My Totem Animal? (and Other Questions from the Galaxy)
12 Mar 2013(This post was originally published last August. Today, in the studio, I was working on another piece…same topic…Vader. I had a repeat of this incident. I wasn’t resistant to doing this piece, not at all. However, I had the same visceral reaction. I guess sometimes the Universe really wants your attention. Still…I. Have. No. Idea. […]