This week I’m crying “UNCLE” cuz I’m up to my eyeballs in it.

I had a great post planned for you and started to write it. Somewhere in the middle my commitments, life happened. In the last 10 days I’ve helped my husband launch a new product line, taken care of a kid who had 4 wisdom teeth extracted, attended a funeral, gone to some art classes, celebrated my birthday month and made an earnest attempt to be in the studio every day. If it sounds like I’m making excuses, your radar is working, because – I am!  I feel like I’m running behind schedule and if I don’t cry uncle, nothing will get finished! Yeah, I’m panicking, just a little.

Nothing major, just that I took Leslie Saeta’s  “30 Paintings in 30 Days” challenge and it’s (gulp) JANUARY 29th! So, I’ll fill this post with pictures of my process and throw myself on the mercy of the court.

I began the challenge with the intention to do a daily ink and watercolur piece that depicts a blog post I’ve written. It took a LOT of research and I completed 11 of them. Here’s a sample 

Crying uncleThese drawings took a long time, because I had to peruse ALL my posts to select which would be appropriate, the topic and then create an image. I wondered if I could reach my goal and then made a slight adjustment.

Because I have a June show that includes some collage, I decided to play with collage elements and maybe some photo transfers and I began creating a series currently called, “Sisters.” My studio sometimes (noticed I didn’t say “usually”) looks like this:

Art TableHere’s how my studio looked during the process:Crying uncle

Studio table IIFinally, the Sisters begin to take shape:

Screen Shot 2016-01-27 at 4.32.08 PM

Sisters in lineupAnd, they are all over the studio!

This work is a departure from my usual abstract work. That’s why I took the 30 Paintings in 30 Days challenge. I view it as an opportunity to deep dive into experimentation. At this point, I’ve completed 11 illustrations, 13 Sisters, 2 large abstracts and I need 4 more paintings to reach my goal. I’d like to actually do 7 more – so I can have a set of 20 Sisters…or maybe a couple brothers, too.

Along the way, I’ve learned a few things. I’ve over-come my need to bleed on it, honored my equation for self-worth and learned a bit more about grit.  I am NOT about to fall short of my goal, so I’m short-changing readers this week with a slew of photos and confessions.

I’ll say my 10 Hail Marys in February. (click to Tweet)

Feel free to suggest a penance below.





Michelle Andres is a writer and artist. She writes this blog in hopes itMichelle In Studiomay help you, also, create a well-lived life
Find her on Facebook or Twitter and Instagram
Visit my Art Website HERE!
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