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When we hear the word “statistics” we associate it with words like significance, normed, relevant and mean. The numbers can be very useful when we choose to let them inform and guide us. After all, You don’t want to wind up “average,” do you? (click to Tweet)
Jason Horejs is the owner of Scottsdale’s Xanadu Gallery and an educator of artists – teaching stellar business skills, offering mentoring opportunities and sharing best practices for working with galleries. Last week he sent his art community “State of the Art” surveys. I participated along with 1017 other respondents and was pretty excited when results were shared this week. While Horejs admits it’s mostly an “informal check,” as someone who works with statistics regularly, I found a lot of value in the results.
I think it’s a good idea to occasionally raise my head and see what the people around me are doing. This doesn’t mean I’ll blindly follow, but it doesn’t hurt to take stock. I’m sharing the survey results and encourage you to take some real time to read through them and ask yourself if you’re taking the steps to get where you’d like to go.
I understand some of you have your working “style” and you enjoy the way you spend your time and structure of your days. If you’re getting the results you want, that’s fantastic and I commend your efforts and success. If it’s not working you might ask yourself – Am I willing to change what I’m doing to get what I want? (click to Tweet)
It really is that simple.
I invite you to have a “look-see” through the survey. Check out the “State of the Art” and decide if you agree. Maybe some successful artists are doing things you could implement into your daily routine or your longer term goals. Perhaps the results will confirm you’re on the right track. Either way, it’s smart to be informed.
If you want to see more of Jason Horejs you can subscribe to his “Red Dot Blog” here.
Cheering You On To Rise Above Average,
Michelle Andres is a writer, artist and coach who nudges, nay, shoves, her clients in the direction of their dreams, helping the to overcome non-productive behaviours and enjoy more success in their lives.
Follow her on Facebook and on TwitterFor a free gift that will help you boost personal productivity “Join the Tribe” and subscribe to this blog!
January 31, 2015 at 7:54 am
Please subscribe me to your blog? Thank you.
January 31, 2015 at 4:33 pm
Done, Pearl John. Thanks for joining us!
January 31, 2015 at 5:10 pm
God has been giving me a make over since 2005 with art. I was in the valley and had to climb up the mountain again. I started with string, Crayola paints, and paper. You can Google+ my name and see how far I have come. God bless you and yours. I’m 54yrs old and was just put on meds for AADD. I tell people God sent me thrown off Angels to deal with me. I didn’t grow up with a happy life so I need some positive vibes.
Much Love
Adrianna Guillot
January 31, 2015 at 6:13 pm
Adrianna, I have found art is very healing. I will look at your work. I’m glad you’re finding happiness now…keep making art. ~ m
February 1, 2015 at 10:03 pm
This post comes with good timing for me. I am inching closer to making this the year that I follow through with my dreams and make art my second career. I have taught art for 20 years (WOW, I do not feel that old) and have been illustrating children’s books for a local writer for four. I have no tribe so you are my accountability and inspiration. Thank you.
I will do what I have not done before to get where I want. I am setting up my social presence and developing an on-line store front. Baby Steps.
I look forward to your posts pushing me forward!
Once again, Thank you!
February 6, 2015 at 4:30 pm
Thanks for your kind words, Julie. I’m happy to be part of your “self-accountability.” Part of the fun of life it to keep curious, keep exploring and keep moving. I’m glad you’re going forward! So excited to hear what you find along your travels! Keep in touch ~m