Previously posted as “The Urge to Purge.” This post has been modified a bit because you might need a reminder to clean up your stuff….especially if you just suffered through last year’s tax mess!
You have it. That “stuff” you leave in your wake, the constant reminder there is unfinished business, loose ends, a mess, you’re not perfect.
Well, guess what? You’re not perfect. I like you that way. I like me that way, too. Our imperfection is proof of the human condition (click to Tweet).
That clutter, though…it blocks the creative spirit. It clogs the flow of new ideas, prosperity, harmony. Clutter sucks. It comes in various forms. There’s the physical clutter…on your desk, your dresser, the kitchen counter. It’s unsightly and makes you feel….ick. Too much makes it hard to breathe.
Clutter also comes in the emotional form. The figurative toilet paper you drag around on your shoe.(click to Tweet). It rears its head as worries you have about what you can’t control or an off-handed, insensitive comment someone made. Comparison to other people, their work, their accomplishments, their opportunities, their opinions, their stuff. Their CLUTTER! Clutter envy…gawd!
Gutter clutter. That’s right! In. Your. Gut. From the movie popcorn, late night ice cream, stress cheeseburgers. You know you do it…occasionally. You clutter your God-given temple with junk…to make yourself feel better. To relieve the emotional clutter. And it stays. Fatty deposits on your thighs, hips, belly. You pollute your body the same way you do your office, your studio, your mind.
There are so many types of clutter. Concept clutter. Financial clutter (better known as debt). Obligatory clutter (say “no” much?). Clutter occurs when we fail to take care of OUR business as we should. We do not make it a priority to keep our lives, bodies, environment clean. Guilt is clutter…so, please, don’t feel guilty about this. You’ll just add to the clutter. And as cluttered as we are, we certainly don’t want to be, ahem, HORDERS!
The clutter is okay. We are human. We clutter, but we also organize. Ewwww, that’s a bad “O” word, isn’t it? But, for the pain organization causes, albeit temporarily, organizing also creates a freedom. A clarity. A knowing – especially a knowing of where we put stuff!
So, how to manage?
First, make sure you have the tools to do the job. It depends upon what you aim to declutter. You may need file folders. A therapist. A nutrionist. A coach (I am one). A personal trainer. A dumpster. So, decide what you’re cleaning up and get the right tools. Create a system. Identify a “Home” for your stuff, a home where you’ll be able to find it upon demand. Create a system you LIKE. This is important. If the system is too complex or laborious, you’ll avoid using it. Got it? Good!!!
Ready to get to work? If you’re a heavy clutterer, try one step at a time. It’s kind of like a 12-Step program for clutterers. If it’s easier for you, 15 minutes a day of decluttering. Start with the most obvious clutter. Seeing progress will be encouraging and you’ll gain momentum. If you’re bringing in reinforcements, like a professional organizer, a therapist, or a nutritionist, they can help you work this through.
If you’re the warrior type, you may choose to simply plow through the clutter. I tend to execute this way. Just take your medicine. It’s a bitter pill, but it CURES! I find plowing easiest because the process is fast. I don’t linger over each “object” and its fate because I build some momentum, which drives the process. Put on some rockin’ tunes, put your head down, GO!
If you’d like a specific model for executing each piece of clutter, please click here, and “Join the Tribe,” you may even want to “Like” the page while you’re there! You’ll get a lovely, simple document that helps you keep it simple – just for joining the “Tribe.” As you touch each piece of clutter, you’ll have an automatic, pre-ordained answer.
As a general rule, if you haven’t used something for over a year, it’s junk. UNLESS IT’S TAX RELATED. Keep business documents in a banker box…you know…just in case. Label it with the year. Also, clutter that is not emotionally charged is easier to deal with. Address that stuff first. If you’re dealing with emotionally charged or “memory” clutter, the plow method works to build some rhythm. That way you won’t agonize over each object – at least not as much as you could.
Clean house! It feels good. It creates a path for new possibilities, mental clarity, abundance. It leaves you light and free. It creates a harmonious space for your to relax, enjoy life, employ audacious creativity.
Afterwards – Now, you have a system, please use it EVERYDAY to maintain your clutter free life. You may slip from time to time, and that’s okay. You’re human. But take care of your business – you deserve this! It’s spring…do your cleaning!
Keep it Tidy!
Michelle Andres is a writer, artist and coach who nudges, nay, shoves, her clients in the direction of their dreams, helping them to overcome non-productive behaviours and enjoy
more success in their lives.
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April 18, 2014 at 7:59 pm
Thankfully my OCD keeps me relatively clutter free as far as objects around the house and studio but the other forms of clutter that you mentioned need my attention NOW! Clutter in the form of debt I’m working on, but clutter in the form of not taking care of myself physically? That needs to become a priority and stay a priority! I had never thought of my physical status as clutter so thanks for pointing that out Michelle. Because it is clutter and is making me feel guilty. As I climb into bed each night I think, “well, another day has come and gone and you still didn’t do your “neck” exercises or other workouts!” I’ll let you know how my new workout regimen goes…tomorrow 🙂
April 23, 2014 at 10:49 pm
Deborah, I’m looking forward to hearing how your physical decluttering go. I hope your neck feels better!!!
April 19, 2014 at 11:27 pm
Ahhh…been dealing with this today. Hope to be moving sometime in the future and need not only to declutter but to downsize as well. This post really has done the trick for me! Rolling of sleeves, cleaning, scrubbing and simplifying…Thank you.
April 23, 2014 at 10:20 pm
I’m so happy it’s timely for you, Claudia. You’ll be so happy and relaxed after you simplify! ~Michelle
April 26, 2014 at 10:18 pm
Got quite a bit done just slowly to some mellow music and it feels much better already….
April 27, 2014 at 4:19 pm
Way to go, Claudia! 🙂