Life and Death in the Pot
15 Friday Nov 2013
Written by Michelle in Better Behaviour, Living your Purpose, Thoughts on everything
art coaching, attitude, change, getting through life, honoring yourself, inspiration, limiting self beliefs, obstacles, passionate living, Self-beliefs, stinkin' thinkin', superstitions
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Are you superstitious? I’ve addressed this topic with executives in regards to superstitious leadership, but magical thinking applies to so many people and can be used against us, or to our benefit.
Because our beliefs can hold us back or propel us forward, consider your own obstacles. Are they real or imagined? Are they helping or hurting? What’s defining you? Is it with or without your permission? (click to Tweet)
I know I’m asking a lot of questions, but you must believe this…YOU ARE in control. What’s more (brace yourself) most of the time that means EVEN if your life sucks. For glass half full folks, that’s good news!
Oh, I sound so sure, so bold. Pffffft! Well, it wasn’t always that way. Here’s a little story:
My violet is on life support.
I’ve owned the same African violet for over 20 years. It’s been with me through growing a family, weathering a former miserable marriage, the disillusion – oops – dissolution of that marriage, 4 moves, finding the love of my life, marriage, blending a family, empty nesting and career changes. My violet has blossomed when I’ve thrived and slumped, on the brink of disaster, as I’ve wrestled with life’s difficulties. Her mood indicates the state of my life, so she is known as “My Life Violet.” My family knows which one it is…the one in the bright, white, ceramic pot. The one that sits with all the others, but serves as the barometer of my current state and points the finger of fate at my future state. I’ve always respected her, but things have been changing.
Earlier this year, after years of life in the pot and regular feedings and watering, she stood barren in a small bit of soil. She didn’t look good. I felt fine, but trembled at the consequences my plant’s condition could bring. My son brought soil and I repotted her – the first time she’d been tampered with in over 20 years. She seemed reinvigorated and grew 2 new leaves. But still, she stood frail and unsure.
Meanwhile, I’ve continued to build my career and pursue my passion. I’ve moved from a primarily corporate existence into the creative community. I’ve moved studios, secured a 2nd studio, grown a blog following and a coaching business and I have NOT experienced the difficulties the violet indicates. Could she be in this alone?
Today, as I look at this once thriving plant, I must admit, it looks pretty hopeless for her. The 2 leaves of promise are sallow and shriveled. After over 2 decades, locked in the psychological grip of this small plant, I have decided to let her go. I suppose she’s my “Old Life” violet.
It’s time to move forward. To let past beliefs go. It may be time for you to do that, too. It’s time to tap into the essence of who we are, why we’re here and to embrace that mission fearlessly, with the gusto and passion that ignites us. 2014 is on the horizon so the timing is perfect!
Our spirits are independent of the obstacles we erect, the stories we tell ourselves and the opinions held by others (click to Tweet). So, sit that drivel down. Give it permission to die. Have faith and make the commitment. From now on, I will be….
Blooming on My Own!
Ripe for some creative fun while pursuing your dreams for the new year? I’ll be having a Beginning Mosaic Workshop called ” Magic in 2014″ in January. Register or learn more!

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November 16, 2013 at 6:09 pm
The power of the mind and the thoughts encoursged are not to be overlooked. parcel post, thanks for sharing. Ever so often people need to be reminded of the power of thought and how it affects the unconscious as well as your daily lives daily life and Outcomes or lack of desired outcome.
November 17, 2013 at 3:49 pm
I wholeheartedly agree, Shuri. It’s always a good idea to check ourselves and examine what is “true.” Thanks for sharing. ~m
November 21, 2013 at 4:11 pm
If you love her, let her go…she’s been a constant but temperate friend for your journey…you’re making new friends now!