7 Tips for Keeping Your Eyes on the Good
21 Friday Nov 2014
Written by Michelle in Living your Purpose, Thoughts on everything
Ramping down from the bustle of summer, autumn can be a time of reflection. With that comes a focus on gratitude – probably because of Thanksgiving.
In this blog, “The Art of The Well Lived Life,” I searched the term and discovered I’ve written over 16 posts that mention gratitude. In prayers, I’m always grateful. In retrospect, though I broke with tradition this year and didn’t share something I’m grateful for each day, I did feel grateful…constantly. Gratitude changes outlooks, it changes lives. (click to Tweet) But, that really can’t be the catalyst as to why we give thanks. Gratitude comes from a pure place, one that lacks expectation or return.
I find it curious that, as a society, we always look for what isn’t right. We look for the flaw, the problem, and often, even if there isn’t a problem, we are sometimes frightened into thinking there is one, often by the media. We worry. It solves nothing. We are, by and large, a neurotic mass of medicated, commercially addicted, woeful, empty souls. Is it because we don’t focus on gratitude? Is it because we don’t see what is good and right, but sharply drill into the things that could be better? [Tweet “When is good, good enough?”]
As a former quality assurance manager, I experienced the good, the bad and the ugly up close. Trained to meticulously see detail – something that came naturally – I found the gift was also the curse. My team looked for what was wrong. All day. Every day. This is not good for a person. It reinforces your brain to find fault. Eventually, I began to wonder why anyone would buy our product and asked to do some sales work in the field. In speaking with the clients, I found people were thrilled with the product. It suited their needs. It fulfilled their requirements. I had overshot the critical discernment in the lab. The experience drove home the ideas that balance is key and whatever you focus on will fill your life, so don’t focus on rejected product. (click to Tweet)
It is with a full heart of gratitude this Thanksgiving week, that I offer you 7 tips for keeping your eye on the good:
Shift your focus. Instead of looking for what’s wrong, look for what’s right. It’s an easy, subtle shift that can be achieved by being mindfully in the moment. If it’s an undesirable moment, take solace knowing it will pass. Oh, it’ll pass if it’s fantastic, too….but just linger in the appreciation a bit longer.
Celebrate it. Celebrate wins…revel in them and soak them in. We often brush the wins aside and move on to the next thing. Life is not a game of “Whack-A-Mole.” Slow down and appreciate the things that go well. You’ll probably discover they multiply.
Be childlike in your appreciation of small things. It doesn’t have to be the lotto, a simple flower will do. Maybe it’s the way your pet greets you at the door, the shared smile from a passing stranger. Pay attention and make a cheerful mental note of the small wonders in life.
Stay curious. New experiences create new opportunities for gratitude. Try new things. Push fear aside. Keep your life fresh.
Mind your mouth. It’s an interesting practice to be mindful of the nuances of speech. Use positive words. Not “I want to” but “I will.” Be aware of how you speak of yourself. Would you speak of others that way? Be kind and champion YOU.
Notice life’s gifts. Notice the gifts that randomly appear. Notice the gifts other people give you. Notice their intentions behind their help. Be thankful for it all.
Help others. It’s contagious. It feels good to give freely when it’s your choice to do so. Audrey Hepburn said, “As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.” When you lend that hand there will be at least 2 people who have something to be grateful for.
So, as you sit down with your family on Thursday – even the family members you wouldn’t normally sit down with – remember the tips, keep your eye on the good, and have a blessed day, my friends.
With Abundance and Gratitude,
Michelle Andres is a coach, writer and artist who champions others to follow the path less traveled; the path that leads straight to their joyful hearts.♥ Contact her for a gentle hand holding or a swift ass kicking.
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November 21, 2014 at 5:58 pm
You are brilliant, Michelle. I so appreciate your musings. This one especially struck home. I am grateful.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
With love,
November 21, 2014 at 6:21 pm
That is so sweet, Kate! Thank you for your kind words. I’m thinking about you and am grateful to have you in my life. All good for you, Sweet Friend, and have a wonderful holiday.
November 21, 2014 at 11:57 pm
A wonderful message. Giving thanks as well for your wise words throughou the year.
November 21, 2014 at 11:59 pm
Thanks to you, too, Susan. I’m glad you find the words helpful. Have a great holiday!
November 23, 2014 at 7:06 pm
Hi Michelle, another warm and thought provoking article.
Although, I have to disagree with you on us being “a neurotic mass of medicated, commercially addicted, woeful, empty souls”
I don’t feel that way, I don’t feel the mass is that way. I like to think that most people are good and mean well, however we are now in a society that just simply scratches the surface of getting to know the true spirit of people we come into contact with day to day, whether that be in person or online. We have imposed so much on ourselves these days to do more more more, we sadly don’t have the time for ourselves much less someone new.
Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your celebrations with your family 🙂
November 23, 2014 at 10:56 pm
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Jaime. I wasn’t saying people have bad intentions, but are rather many lead sad and empty lives. I figure if 1 in 10 Americans is on anti-depressants and about 25% of women in the 40-60 age bracket take them, something is terribly wrong. I know some people need them, but it seems to be an epidemic. Many, although not all, of us overspend, over-indulge or over-medicate. As of recent, our society has placed little value on deep human connection and spiritual health, though certain circles do, and those who are fortunate enough to have those ties are blessed. There are many paths to getting away from such a sad existence, one being the cognitive therapy of actively practicing gratitude. I am glad you are healthy and happy. Have a wonderful Holiday.
November 24, 2014 at 11:26 am
November 24, 2014 at 4:11 pm
Thank you, Dr. Tirado!
November 24, 2014 at 9:05 pm
You did it again, Michelle! This is a great Monday message for me to put out.
November 24, 2014 at 9:25 pm
Thank you, Mr. Gates. Glad you enjoyed the read. ~m