Lessons from a One-Year Old
28 Friday Mar 2014
Written by Michelle in Better Behaviour, Living your Purpose
art coaching, Authenticity, blessings, Community, Creative Expression, finding yourself, gifts, Goal Setting, Gratitude, Hallmarks, honoring yourself, imperfection, inspiration, living your purpose, Productivity, self development
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Today is the First Birthday of “The Art of a Well Lived Life.” Time for a party! Bring in the clowns, the ponies and let us consume copious amounts of CAKE (preferably chocolate)!
Setting out to simply share some thoughts and be a solid resource for creatives by using my corporate chops, a year ago I committed to writing a weekly blog and publishing it – every Friday – for at least 12 months. Family and friends supported me. They safeguarded my already ruddy reputation by making sure I didn’t breach the line…much. I only want to sprinkle mischief dust; I don’t intend be hurtful (click to Tweet). As I said in the beginning, one of the things I love most about people is, when we are being genuine, we have interesting wrinkles and shortcomings…it makes us human and I am thankful, because those imperfections add perfect colour to our world.
My readers have responded to the shares. I’ve discovered an enormous sense of community through “The Art of the Well Lived Life.” I’ve had an opportunity to share my knowledge, and in turn, you all shared your wisdom. I’m grateful for your shares, your feedback, your words. People have gotten naked with me in conversations – bared their souls, their pain, their hopes…I am humbled. [Tweet “”Your souls are sacred ground…I well know that.””]
I work for free, but should really be paying you, dear readers. Here are a few of the priceless lessons I’ve learned while penning “The Art of The Well Lived Life” –
- People are kind
- After over a decade of business writing, the writer I was born as has rediscovered her voice
- I’ve written over 52 stand alone posts – a cohesive, though short, body of work
- I possess self-discipline – I don’t need a boss – I’m the boss of my own, bad self
- Older people have incredible stories, philosophies and wisdom to share – they are reluctant to share them on a blog , but they rock it in private groups
- Creatives need a community – while we may work alone well by nature, we get lonely from time to time
- Showing my own scars and faults has hopefully given us all “permission”
- Everyone is insecure from time to time and in their own way – if they aren’t they’re probably a psychopath
- Even people who rail against structure want structure – let’s just dress it up in lace and call it something else
- Spellcheck cannot be overrated – evher
- People love to have fun. They like to laugh and poke, but they want respect and reassurance – so I give them permission to laugh at me
- WordPress is relatively user friendly
- Our souls were designed to express our essential selves. When the outlet is blocked we react with negative behaviours and behave poorly (click to Tweet this one)
This is a deeply emotional birthday for me, like the ones that end in a 0 or 5. I’m actually crying as I write this, it must be hormones or a lack of chocolate. It also may harken back to this first post. Above all, I am awash with gratitude that you keep reading, keep commenting, keep laughing and sharing your wisdom and questions. Thank you, thank you, thank you….
Make a wish…
Michelle Andres is a writer, artist and coach who nudges, nay, shoves, her clients in the direction of their dreams,

For a free gift that will help you boost personal productivity “Join the Tribe” and subscribe to this blog!
March 28, 2014 at 5:35 pm
Congratulations Michelle! I love you’re writing. I think yours is the only blog I read! I wanted to tweet “I’m the boss of my own bad self”! I love that! You go girlfriend!
March 28, 2014 at 6:04 pm
Thanks so much, Debbie! Here you go, girl….
http://ctt.ec/Q5K4o – click it to Tweet “I am the boss of my own bad self!” Cuz you are, you know!
March 28, 2014 at 6:15 pm
Happy blogging birthday, Michelle! I’m eating some chocolate in your honor. Any other special occasions I can celebrate for you, just let me know. I gots me a big ole stash o’ Green & Black 85 % Dark. Ummm…nom nom 🙂
March 28, 2014 at 6:28 pm
Thanks, Susan! Nom, nom, nom… your generosity brings tears to my eyes. Please, binge for me! It’s so good to see you up and writing again. ~m
March 28, 2014 at 6:36 pm
Happy Birthday and Congratulations! What a wonderful accomplishment and contribution. Each week I look forward to what gem you might leave on your page and what thoughts might be provoked. I thank you for that.
Keep on keepin on!
March 28, 2014 at 6:42 pm
Thank you, Margo! I’m so happy you enjoy the posts. 🙂
March 28, 2014 at 7:55 pm
On this auspicious occasion, I hope you have a moment like the 1-year old who introduces us to your words this week. Everyone should allow themselves freedom of expression and celebration – especially when it involves sitting on the floor with a very large, very chocolate CAKE! And you’ve earned it M. – BRAVO! I have thoroughly enjoyed the twisted journeys you have chartered for us in our minds and hearts this past year. May you continue in your growth through humor and gratitude with each “chapter”.
March 29, 2014 at 3:10 am
Many thanks for your kind words, Val. You have been such a sweet companion on this journey. Thank you for always being the cheerleader….you are priceless!
March 29, 2014 at 5:46 am
Congratulations on your year of blogging, Michelle!
So happy to have met you and robe a part of your creative circle!
I can’t wait to see some of your mosaic work!
March 30, 2014 at 12:08 am
Thanks, Lala. I’m glad we’re connected, as well. Some of my mosaics are in a case in the studio now. Have a peek when you get a chance. ~michelle
March 29, 2014 at 11:19 pm
Congratulations and thank you for sharing yourself with us!
March 30, 2014 at 12:08 am
My pleasure, Dianne. I hope some readers see themselves in the posts, too.
April 14, 2014 at 8:17 pm
Happy Belated Birthday to “The Art of the Well Lived Life!!!!” I’ve been absorbed in a new creation and bound by an incredibly short deadline but now can relax and get caught up on your blogs (I don’t suppose there is any cake left?? 🙂 I am ashamed to say that I have just now gotten to your blog Michelle, but once again this one is just as special even though I am over two weeks late…Your blog is my very special connection to the internet and I have missed being able to read it each week! Congratulations for a WONDERFUL, informative, thought-provoking and very interesting blog!!
April 15, 2014 at 2:18 pm
Thank you for your kind words, Deborah, and for being such a dedicated reader. I appreciate you! And yeah, the cake is gone…but that gives us an excuse for another party! 🙂