Art biz, Art business, art coaching, change, change of seasons, coaching, getting through life, leveraging change, managing change, solo business owners
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I’m a big fan of summer. Summer offers light, and blooms, and fruit, and warmth and joy. Summer feeds my soul and I am its most avid supporter, but summer’s taking flight. Have you noticed?
Mornings are a little chilly, leaves are twisting off trees and riding light autumn breezes. This is terrifying for me. (click to Tweet)
I’m not opposed to autumn…no, it is my 3rd favourite season. It’s the winter I abhor. I do not welcome its darkness, its dampness or its frosty pain. Keep your sleepy, naked, muddy winter. I’m not interested. Heck, we had to stick Christmas smack dab in the middle of winter just to rally the frozen troops. Boo for winter.
Ceremony Guru, Cindie Wilding, of Bird’s Nest Ceremonies, recently posted a chipper reminder that fall is on the way. She spoke of the equinox – which is this Sunday. She mentioned fall being a season of balance, reflection and change. Hmmmm…..
Hang on tight, or bail off this hayride, because I’m about to pull you into the madness of my stream of consciousness. This is how my mind works, and it is especially powerful at red traffic lights…so just be glad I’m not driving.
Seasons are like businesses. There is a natural ebb and flow to the cycle of a business. A time for planting, a time for growing, a time for harvesting and a time for rest and planning. If businesses fail to change and adapt – they die!
There is no fighting the seasons of the year. I can’t stop winter’s chilly forward march. It’s bondage, the “chains of change.” I don’t have a problem understanding business cycles, so why am I fighting Mother Nature?
Fortunately, if we are skilled, lucky, or both, business seasons move along faster than Mother Nature’s. If you’re fighting your business season, perhaps you’ve misunderstood how to leverage it. As business owners, we create business plans and activities around the seasons of our work. We strategize, prepare, fill the pipeline and sell. In short, we take advantage of the seasons.
Business seasons aren’t always as rhythmic as Mother Nature’s. For instance, you may find yourself in the midst of an autumn harvest without having done your winter planning. Or, if you’re stuck in a perpetual business “winter” chances are pretty good you need some professional help to nudge you on to the rest of “the year.” No worries, you don’t have to despair and lie down or die in the cold…there are good people who can help you. Reaping a thin harvest? Call the people who sell seeds, or fertilizer. Lots of people sell fertilizer, so buyer beware! (click to Tweet) If you’re thriving in an eternal business “summer” please write a book so the rest of us can prosper and spend an eternity in the sun.
Anyhou, we can’t expect our businesses to always function smoothly. That would be delusional.
So, I’ve decided to fully embrace autumn this year. As her troublesome cousin “Winter” follows on her heels, I may try welcoming her chilly embraces, too. Relating something I can’t control to something I understand and feel comfortable with takes the dread out of summer’s demise. She’ll be back, with her light and growth and song, because Mother Nature will do her job. Just like us business owners – leverage the seasons, follow the plan, watch the Almanac and we’ll be just fine.
A Big, Fat Harvest Moon to You!
Michelle Andres is a coach, writer and artist who teaches creatives business behaviours that boost their productivity and happiness…all the while honoring their unique and artsy selves.
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September 20, 2013 at 4:55 pm
Funny, since 30 years ago when I moved to northern CA from MI, it’s winter for which I yearn. Winter, when the brown grasses turn green, when we begin to have rain so I don’t have to water my plants as often, when the air will finally be free of the huge Rim Fire’s smoke. Oh joy!
September 20, 2013 at 6:00 pm
I guess it’s different for everyone. As I wrote this, Teri, it did occur to me that northern California winters are mild, and that I was being a big baby. Spring…she is my favourite. I like business springs, too! Thanks for the perspective!
September 23, 2013 at 3:21 am
In my neck of the woods, winter brings ice. Like in ice storms. Yuck. We are the unlucky ones that are kind of in the middle of where the line is… just above us get snow, just below us it’s rain, but us it’s ice. So I am not looking forward to winter either Michelle.
Right now with autumn just barely showing… I’m in a rush to get ready for of all things… winter! A big show for me is in December so I’m painting away!
September 23, 2013 at 10:09 am
The ice doesn’t sound very fun, Jaime. Treacherous even. Getting ready for the December show…which will be your business summer in December. 🙂