We’re Getting the Dog Finger Again!
05 Friday Apr 2013
Written by Michelle in Thoughts on everything, Uncategorized
attitude, dogs, forgiveness, Gratitude, happiness, Life's lessons, Looking at things differently, Loss of a Pet, loving dogs, patience, self-accpetance, self-awareness, self-forgiveness, Shame, spiritual practice
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Some of you have traveled the journey of “My Dog’s Life” and shed some tears reading my last blog post about my terrier who, at the time, was dying. You’ll recall my acceptance of a failed relationship and witnessing me swimming in a pool of guilt and angst. Like most things in life, that has changed.
Now, really, I don’t mean to jerk your emotional chain, but here it comes. Right around Easter she rose from the dead. Yep. She spent 3 days in what appeared to be the active state of dying. Family members and friends paraded through the house, wiped their eyes and paid their last respects. She was canonized. Mr. Wonderful (my incredible husband) struggled. Should he help her along in the process? “Do you need to just move on, girl?” Should we call Dr. Stamm?
I. Was. Switzerland.
Then…on Good Friday….one week ago…she rose from the dead and resumed her life.
I don’t get it. She got up, walked around, ate like a champ and basically said, “It’s on! I ain’t done, Jack.”
What ensued was a test of my spiritual fortitude. Mr. Wonderful talked incessantly of her resurrection, the miracle, what the cause may have been and what the bright and shiny future held. He got her special food (which drove the other two dogs crazy). He fawned over her, planned a spa day at the groomer and practically offered to get her a new car. Almost every conversation contained “dog topic.” I made an oath to myself not to feel even one pang of disappointment. And I didn’t (applause please).
I struggled with the state of my soul. I had been absolved of my sins during the “death.” I asked for forgiveness, made amends. Now, the chance to live peacefully together once again poked it head around the corner as if to say, “Hey, want to try again?” I was livin’ life on the edge. How long can a human being sustain pure thoughts, bury animosity and grind out a state of harmony? (Click to Tweet)
Sure, it took a few days for her to get back into fighting form. This morning, Mr. Wonderful claimed he got the “dog finger.“
That’s right, the willful disobedience is, once again, alive and well. She did the samba on the carpet with her dirty little fur body. I even got a report when I was away on business, there was a scrimmage with her sister in the kitchen. Switzerland.
Her behaviour has not changed. All the things she did that drove me crazy – she’s doing them again. My behaviour has changed. Aha! So THIS IS THE LESSON! My lesson. This is another chance of redemption. I can get it right. There is no end in sight, only the practice. (Click to tweet) My practice.
It’s how life IS. I guess the point of the lesson is you don’t know when it will conclude. When it does, if you’ve learned it properly, it won’t matter how long it took. Be Switzerland.
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Michelle Andres is a coach, writer and artist who champions others to follow the path less traveled; the path that leads straight to their joyful hearts.♥ Find her on Facebook or Twitter
April 5, 2013 at 5:55 pm
Hahahah…yes, get it right. Otherwise when she does go, she’ll come back again in the form of a cute demon puppy and you’ll be doing that dance for another 15 years.
Besides, getting it right feels good.
Would you like a donkey by any chance?
April 5, 2013 at 6:11 pm
Oh, Susan! How ironic I would be crazy about your donkey! Thanks so much, but I’ll pass. For now, my hands are full! Hugs!
April 5, 2013 at 6:15 pm
Switzerland? Meaning you stayed neutral throughout the ordeal?
April 6, 2013 at 3:42 pm
Patty, trying to stay neutral. That’s the spiritual challenge. Switzerland is the goal. I can’t risk “smutting up” my soul again. I know if I were more enlightened I’d pick another country. Like the USA – protector…land of opportunity. For me, for now….Switzerland.
April 6, 2013 at 3:34 pm
Wow!! Did the vet have an explanation?
I so totally get the the “dog finger,” I have two, myself!!
October 14, 2016 at 8:59 pm
I think it was an intervention from the Divine. Prolly teaching me a life lesson.
April 8, 2013 at 2:38 pm
I “call” your terrier and “up” you one lab…
April 11, 2013 at 11:22 pm
OMG, Val…you make me laugh. Is it a “full lab” or is it 4″ short?