While I Was Busy Being Someone Else
27 Thursday Sep 2012
Written by Michelle in Art, Thoughts on everything
Art, Authenticity, coaching, Creative Expression, finding yourself, honoring yourself, life's purpose, living your purpose, passionate living, self development, Women
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Strange thing happened the other day…
I was called to recount my past life in detail. My corporate life. When this happened, I began to behave like the person I was back then. I got edgy, sharply strategic, unsettled.
I am not a corporate type. It’s not that I’m not smart enough, aware enough, creative enough…I can do those things. It’s my soul. My soul does not agree with the treatment I witnessed as an internal corporate employee. I’m an artist at heart. A writer, a coach and communicator. I appreciate pure intention, honesty, flaws. The human aspect, with all its imperfections makes me joyful.
Do you remember who you really are? As a child you probably knew. You may still know. The point is, some of us lose ourselves while we’re busy being someone else. We become someone other people would approve of, someone manageable, someone neat, tidy and easy to understand. As you put yourself in that box, the real you may seep into the corners, away from your grasp. That’s NOT GOOD!
I pruned and trimmed my essential self to fit into the box of “acceptable.” Over the last year, I’ve been gathering the pieces and putting them together. This is work I’ve done with clients for years. I help people find themselves, create bullet proof game plans and execute those plans – showcasing their talents and brilliance. It is very rewarding work, because it honors the client’s authentic self as well as my own.
I’ve learned this….
Being someone else does the world no justice. It robs others of your true talents and robs you of a fully lived life. All the notions, all the stories around why you should be who you put in the box can be very convincing…and sometimes we need to really work at dismantling the stories. It can take boatloads of courage to get up, shake off the dust, gather up your pieces and bring it to the world! It’s the way it was supposed to be!
Shine your Light!
Michelle Andres is a writer, artist and coach. She can be reached found at www.facebook.com/michelleandresconsulting – for coaching or www.facebook.com/michellesoileauandres – for art
September 28, 2012 at 11:15 pm
Wow… were you channeling me? Corporate world, all of it except your right on target consulting business–I’ve been trying to consult on Senior Living and marketing but have never really made either into a business. I would love to reference or share (don’t have much experience with blogs yet) some of your story–since I couldn’t say it any better! Any way that might be possible/
September 29, 2012 at 5:07 am
Hi Jane! I’m glad it struck a chord. Feel free to share using the URL…I welcome new followers and am sure my story is not unique to me. So, yes! Share away by using the link! Thanks, Michelle
February 16, 2014 at 10:05 pm
I’ve found that trying to find oneself and oftentimes being oneself is not an easy task… depending upon who I’m with and what my role is with that person or group… depends upon the ‘me’ that emerges. It’s like the proverbial chameleon changing its colors to suit the environment. However, as I age (69) I’ve found I really like ‘me’ as me and though I may adjust to suit the occasion (and yes, I can be a real bitch at times), my self-esteem, self-confidence, self-approval and the quietness of my soul are rarely
disrupted by what others think of me.
Michelle, you are an inspiration. I love your thoughts and words of wisdom… and thank you for sharing yourself with all of us.
February 17, 2014 at 3:29 am
Wow, Francesca…this one was resurrected from the archives! I read it again, and I remember the feeling I had so well – the feeling of pruning myself to fit into the box. Like you, I rarely do that anymore. It feels like freedom. It feels like self-acceptance and self-love. I love the way you speak of the quietness of your soul…yes…yes. Thank you for sharing, thank you for your kind words, and thank you for taking me back and forward…at the same time. ~m
August 3, 2014 at 3:40 am
I am shining now after hiding my light for way too long. So glad you found your soul again.
August 3, 2014 at 5:13 am
Thank you so much, Cecilia! It’s been almost 2 years since I wrote this. Living in alignment with who I am and giving others permission, even a nudge, to do the same. Let the lights SHINE!